Sunday, August 6, 2017

How does snoring while awake impair your health?

Although it looks strange and unbelievable, it is a fact that some people have been found snoring while awake. The ratio of the snoring while awake is negligible as compared to the snoring during sleep. It is a general concept that the people only snore during sleep. Therefore, everyone knows the causes and adverse effects of snoring during sleep on the physical and mental health. Even, if there is no health risk, it looks a personality issue when you snore in public. The situation may be insulting and embarrassing for you as well. Here we are concerned with the topic of snoring while awake; therefore, we try to understand its causes and management.

The probable causes of snoring while awake

The phenomenon of snoring is the same in both the cases (sleep and awake). The obstruction of the airway causes vibration in the throat muscles which further produce snoring. If you see a case of snoring while asleep, it is not necessary that he/she might snore while awake. But, the every individual snoring while awake will also be suffering from snoring while asleep. The people who snore while awake have been found with any of the following health problems.

Allergies and infection:

Allergies and infection of upper respiratory tract cause snores. Sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, and infection of throat muscles and nasal cavity cause inflammation of the muscles. The patient feels difficulty in breathing which also produces snoring sound. The presence of secretions in the nostrils and air passage also causes vibrating sound during inhalation and exhalation. Usually, it happens during sleep; however, some people have been found snoring while awake as well.

Deviated Nasal septum

The snoring during awake has also been noted in some of the deviated nasal septum cases. When you inhale the air forcefully due to DNS issue, it produces snoring sound. Even, the patients snore unavoidably while awake.

Sleep apnea

Along with many other symptoms, the sleep apnea also causes difficulty in breathing. The snoring sound is observed in the patients because of a pause in breathing in and breathing out. The patient takes a long gasp of breath after the pause which may generate snoring sound.

How to prevent the problem of snoring while awake?

As compared to snoring while sleep, the management of snoring while awake is easy. The causes of developing this issue are always known; however, many people are unaware of the cause. Here are some useful tips that can help you to avoid snoring while awake problem.

Ø                  Usually, the secretions produced in the throat and airway due to URTI (upper respiratory tract infection). You can resolve the issue by treatment and care. Your physician can recommend proper medication to localize the infection. Once the infection is controlled, the snoring issue will also subside.
Ø                  The allergies also produce secretions and inflammation in throat and nostrils. The control of allergies is bit difficult because of unknown and unspecified origin. However, you can control the sneezing and snore by symptomatic treatment. The consultation by a physician is always mandatory.
Ø                  The DNS (deviated nasal septum) is a treatable issue. The treatment of DNS is surgical. So, you can get rid of snoring within few days.
Ø                  The sleep apnea leaves adverse effects on your physical and mental health. The snoring is one of the signs of this sleep disorder issue. Once the sleep apnea has been diagnosed, it must be cured on the priority basis.

How much sleep do babies need for smooth growth?

The food and sleep are the first tow needs of a baby just after the birth. It will be more likely a correct answer that the baby awakes just for the food. The newborn awakens, takes food and go asleep. In the early stage, the parents face the tougher situation because the baby frequently wakes with short intervals of time. For new parents, it is essential to know about the basic requirement of a newborn baby. They should also know that “how much sleep do babies.” In the early stages, the baby sleeps most of the time, but with the passage of time, the need for sleep is decreased. However, the babies require more sleep than the adults at every stage.

The parents must be aware of the sleeping needs of their kids at any time because the sleep is essential for better nourishment and growth. The majority of the physical and mental health issues are directly related to sleep. If you can observe proper sleep hours, you can prevent the health problems. Keeping in view the importance of sleep, you must know that how much sleep do babies need in 24 hours.

How much sleep do babies – Tips for the new parents

The sleep pattern and duration varies with the age of children. From newborn to the younger stage, the sleep hours vary due to other activities. Usually, the new parents do not know about the diverse needs which may impair the sleep. This article will help you to manage all the activities of your child along without compromising on the sleep time.

Sleep needs of an infant up to 3 months:

The sleep duration of the child is longer than the every stage. The baby wakes to eat only and go asleep just after taking the food. The sleep pattern consists of small intervals of 2-4 hours. This phase is very challenging for the parents because the infant is unable to adjust sleep posture. He needs your help for to correct the sleep position. The ideal posture for baby’s sleep is the supine position.

The existing weather conditions are strange for the newborn baby. Being the parents, you must know how to maintain the suitable environment for your infant. The cold or hot may affect the infant health and sleep. The firm and smooth surface keep the infant comfortable during sleep.

The average sleep hours for babies up to 3 months are 14-17 hours. The parents should note that how much sleep do babies need and their child is completing the average sleep time. During this stage, the daytime sleep intervals are short as compare to night. However, the deviation from the required sleep hours can be alarming. So, parents must observe the sleep and rest hours accordingly.

Sleep needs of the baby from 3-6 month

In this stage, the baby the sleeping hours reduce slightly. The average sleep for the babies from 3-6 month of age is about 14-16 hours per day. The baby starts moving arms and legs which may impair the sleep. The food needs also increase at this stage, but baby can take more food in a single nap. So, he sleeps longer than the previous stage. Usually, the leg and arm movement cause the disturbance in sleep. The firm immobilization of limbs is required for comfortable sleep.

The baby sleeps well during the night and likes to awake, look and smile in the light. The parents should allow their baby to sleep well at night. Preferably, the feeding must be given during daytime. However, if the baby frequently wakes during the night, she may need food.

Sleep needs for a child from 6-12 month

The average sleep duration progressively decreased in this stage. The baby starts walking in this within 12 months. Some physical changes like teething also develop at this stage. The urge for food is also increased which results in the reduction of sleep hours. The baby starts speaking incomplete sentences and tries to convey his needs through words. Your child needs more care at this stage because now he/she can realize the blood relations. He/she knows about moms and dad and want to see them around every time.

In this stage, the baby sleeps from 11-14 hours per day.  However, maintaining this duration is challenging for the parents because she needs the continuous company to their baby. He/she prefer to sleep with mom or dad all the time. To avoid sleep disorders and mental health issues, the child needs proper attention and care at this stage.

Sleep needs for a toddler 1-2 year age

The toddler stage is very active and learning stage with reduced sleeping hours. The baby wants to learn lots of things quickly. The baby prefers playing on sleep. The average sleep hours for this stage are about 11-12 hours. During this stage, the child sleeps well but the putting her in the bed is very effortful for the parents. The child plays whole the day but continues the same activities in the evening. However, the parents need to observe the sleep hours strictly. The evening bath and story time are soothing for the baby and good to make her asleep.

Sleep needs for a child 2-5 year age

In the preschool stage, the children are more prone to develop different types of sleep disorders. The sleep hours varies from child to child because of various factors and living conditions. However, the sleep problems in this stage are almost same for every child. With proper care and supervision, you can overcome the sleep problems of your child.

Sudden awake at any time in the night and night fear are the issues your child may face. The outcome of the stories you told in the previous stage may appear at this stage. Fear of darkness and loneliness are the common issues in the stage. The parents should understand the situation and avoid enforcing the child to sleep in the dark. Arrange for the nightlight to eliminate the fear of dark and loneliness. The average sleep hours for this stage are about 9-10 hours.

Sleep needs for a child 5-12 year age

The last stage before your child becomes a young lot. Hectic and complex stage to observe the sleep hours but the child still needs strict observation and care. Stock of homework, outdoor/indoor games, social schedules, and favorite TV shows make it difficult for the child and parents to observe sleep hours. The child does not want to compromise any of his/her activity. The parents need great care and patience to motivate their child to observe the usual sleep hours.


The sleep needs of the children vary with the age and living conditions. The parents can only minimize the sleep disorders when they know that how much sleep do babies need. For new parents the task is more difficult but they can prove themselves as the perfect mom/dad by observing the proper sleep hours.

How to prevent sleep problems in children?


Children are more prone to develop sleep disorders because they are innocent and sensitive.  They notice the small things happening in front of them and take the things seriously. So, the chances of developing sleep problems in children are more than the adult. As you know, the children need more sleep hours than the adults. At least nine hours deep sleep is required for a child to nourish and grow smoothly.

The adverse effects of sleep problems in children:

Sleep deficit leaves different types of adverse effects on your baby. The sleep disorders do not only affect the mental health of your child, but it also generates general health problems. The outcomes of sleeping problems in children vary from child to child. Here I have highlighted some common issues your kid may face due to sleep problems.

Ø                  The loss of appetite is the very first effects of sleep disorder in your child. Even, he/she will refuse to eat his/her favorite foods. If your child does not take an interest in food, the reason might be the sleep deficit. So, you must monitor his/her sleep hours.
Ø                  Although, the loss of appetite is the common symptom of sleep problems in children; however, in some cases, overeating has been noted. The child relies more on foods and eats more than the usual. Overeating also leaves adverse effects on the child health. Along with sleeping problems, the child also suffers from frequent diarrhea and indigestion.
Ø                  The second effect of the sleep problems in children is the impairment of general health. You may also note generalized weakness and loss of body weight. The weakness and reduced body weight are the outcome of less food in taking caused by sleep disorders.
Ø                  The sleep deficit also causes behavioral changes in the child. The child does not take interests in games and outdoor activities. The irritating attitude has also been noted in the kids suffering from the sleep deficit.
Ø                  The sleeping problem is children also disturb the studies and school activities. If your child does not sleep well, his/her performance in studies can severely be affected. He will show little or no interest in reading and writing.
Ø                  The main effect of sleep deficit in children is the slow down of reaction and response time. Due to this issue, the child faces lots of problems while walking running and playing. The slow response time increases the rate of accidents and injuries.

Reason for developing sleep problems in children

Most of the ideas for developing sleep disorders in children are associated with the negligence of parents. If you take proper care of your baby, most of the sleep problems can be eliminated. However, still, there are some causes which are unavoidable. Appropriate treatment can be helpful for the restoration of healthy sleep. Here are some common reasons leading to sleep problems in children.

v                 The night mare and sleepwalking are the common causes of sleep disorders in children. The main reason behind the nightmare is to watching horror scenes and to listening horror stories. The child feels fears of going to bed. The sleepwalking is also a serious issue. Usually, the sleepwalking problem occurs in deep sleep phase when baby dreams.
v                 The snoring also causes sleep problems in children. The hearing sense of children is more active than the adults. A little sound near the ears makes the child awake. Therefore, the snoring cause sleep disturbance; however, it happens in rare cases.
v                 ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is one of the most critical sleep problems in children. The ADHD makes it difficult for the child to pay attention to real things. Moreover, the child cannot control impulsive behavior. Although, ADHD is a broad topic the sleep disorder is one of the symptoms associated with this issue.
v                 The room environment is also a factor that may cause sleep problems in children. The noise makes the child awake frequently. Moreover, the uncomfortable bedding also causes disturbance in sleep.
v                 The timing does matter the most in the sleep problems. Usually, the parents do not observe the proper sleep schedule and make the child awake along with them. This irregularity in the timing impact the sleep hours of the child which further cause sleep disorders.

Tips to minimize sleep problems in children

After reading the adverse effects of sleep on the child’s health, it becomes imperative to control the sleep problems. You can control many health issues by maintaining the proper sleep. Here are some useful tips that may help you to improve the child’s sleep.

Ø                  The sleep issues related to nightmare are common among the children of 5 year age. To minimize the nightmares, make the child watch cartoons and fairy tales. Allow the children to read character building story books.
Ø                  Although, the snoring issue is rare for the kids. Usually, the cause is improper sleep posture. Training the baby to lay in the lateral position is helpful to improve sleep. Sleeping in the supine position is the common reason behind snoring.
Ø                  The kids suffering from any disease causing sleep disturbance must be considered as serious. ADHD, insomnia and sleep apnea severely affects the child’s health. If you note any sign of illness, consult the physician without delay.
Ø                  The calm environment and comfortable bedding allow the baby to go asleep very fast. But many parents do not know the standards of quiet environment and comfortable bedding. A 5-year-old child needs at least 9 hours sleep in 24 hours. If your child cannot sleep for 9 hours, you must check for the environment and bedding. Another reason for the disturbance in sleep is night wetting. The use of soak able nappies can be helpful to keep the bedding dry.
Ø                  The room temperature is also very important for good sleep. Make sure that room temperature is ideal for living conditions. Light and illumination also cause the disturbance in the sleep. Before, going to bed put all the room lights off.
Ø                  Observance of bedtime is very supportive to improve the sleep of your child. The child sleeps well during the night as compared to the day. Allow most of the sleeping hours in the night.
Ø                  Keep the television, cell phone, play station, computer and everything else which your baby out of baby’s bedroom.
Ø                  The heavy meals cause high body temperature due to metabolic process. So, avoid heavy meals just before bedtime.
Ø                  The foods containing caffeine cause sleep problems in children when given close to bedtime. However, if necessary, give such foods in the early daytime.

Is snoring bad | Causes and health risks of snoring

What happens in snoring?

The snoring is the unusual sound produced due to obstructive airway while sleeping. The strange sound is associated with the vibration of respiratory structure and organs due to forceful respiration. Due to different reasons, the obstruction in the inhaled air produces snoring sound. The intensity and pattern of the sounds vary with the nature and severity of the obstruction of the airway.

Therefore, you see different styles of snoring in different people. In most of the cases, the snoring sound is quiet and soft. But the loud, horrible and unpleasant sound has been noticed in many snoring cases.

Is snoring bad for sleep?

Usually, the individual is unaware of the snoring sounds because it occurs during deep sleep. However, the snoring is bad for your bed partner because he/she remains disturbed due to your snoring sound which directly hits her/his mind. In some cases, the individual wakes due to severe obstruction, but he/she goes to sleep again. 

So, there is no certain effect of snoring on your sleep, but your bed partner or roommates suffer a lot. Is snoring bad for sleep? The answer to this question is no because snoring does not cause any disturbance in your sleep.

Causes of snoring while sleeping

The snoring is not harmful, but its causes can be an alarming sign some cases which you will read in the following headings. Once you have noticed the snoring sound, even it is minor and soft; you need to sort out the cause. The harmfulness of the snoring depends upon the causing factors.

The snoring itself may be the sign of any serious illness which may need urgent treatment and prevention. In the following paragraphs, I have highlighted some probable causes of snoring.

1.   Age factor:

If you have ever noticed, the aged people are more prone to develop snoring. Usually, the people of 40s and above have been seen snoring during sleep. The probable cause of snoring in the old age group is the relaxation of muscles. Along with other body muscles, the throat muscles also relax. The relaxed and hanging throat muscles fall back in the respiratory tracts and cause obstruction.

2.               Weight factor:

Being overweight and obesity cause many health problems including night snoring. The overweight causes snore irrespective of the age factor. Every individual with overweight can suffer from snoring during any stage of age. Like other body parts, the fat accumulates in the throat and respiratory tract. The fats narrow down the airway which further cause snoring sounds while sleeping.

3.               Dependence upon alcohol and tobaccos

The alcohol and smoking may also cause snoring. The excessive use of alcohol and tobacco cause relaxation of throat muscles like you have read in the age factor. However, the snoring caused due to alcohol and smoking may occur in any stage of life. Even, the youngsters may also be affected by alcohol and tobacco.

Moreover, the alcohol and tobacco cause inflammation and infection of the respiratory tract. The inflammation causes obstruction of the airway which further causes snoring.

4.               Fatigue and stress

The fatigue and stress factors may also cause snoring. The stress and fatigue impair the brain control over different body muscles. The throat muscles may also get relaxed if you are over fatigued or overstressed. The snoring caused due to fatigue and stress is temporary and subsides when the effects of fatigue and stress are over.

5.               Body position during sleep

Your body position does also cause snoring while sleeping. The people who are habitual to sleep in supine position are more likely to be snoring. There may be two usual reasons for snoring while sleeping in the supine position. The secretion from the mouth may travel toward the respiratory tract which produces sound during exhalation.

The second reason is falling back of the tongue. This type of snoring is also a temporary because you can eliminate the cause by changing your body posture.

6.               Nasal and sinus problems

The patients with nasal and sinus issues have been noted snoring at night. The infection of nasal and sinus cause inflation of the breathing causing difficulty in breathing. Moreover, the DNS (deviated nasal septum) cases have been noted snoring. Due to DNS, the balance of air intake is disturbed. The imbalanced air intake from the nostrils produces snoring sound.

7.               Allergies

Allergies of uncertain origin or known origin may also cause snoring. The patients suffering from allergic sinusitis and allergic rhinitis have also been noted snoring. The allergies cause inflammation of respiratory tract which narrows down the airway. Due to forceful inhalation and exhalation, the snoring sound is produced.

Is snoring bad for general health?

The snoring caused due to factors mentioned above is usually harmless. In some cases, like infections and allergies, there may be the disturbance in sleep pattern. However, the snoring produced due to infection and allergies are a temporary. You can control over with treatment and prevention.
You have read above that the snoring may be the sign of any serious illness. Is snoring bad for general health? In such condition, the answer may be “yes” because there are life threatening diseases that may also cause snoring. Until these diseases are not rolled out, the snoring must be considered as life risk.

1.   Obstructive sleep apnea

The obstructive sleep apnea also causes snoring while sleeping. The long term effects of sleep apnea cause high blood pressure and arrhythmias. The high blood pressure and arrhythmias further cause enlargement of heart size which is an alarming symptom for the human.

2.               Deficiency of oxygen in the blood

The impairment of air intake causes low oxygen tension in the blood. Particularly, the total volume of oxygen at tissue level is decreased. The deficiency of oxygen at tissue level causes different types of health issues associated with hypoxia. A frequent headache, dizziness, and drowsiness are the symptoms of low oxygen tension at the tissue level.

3.               Sleep disorders

The sleep disorder issue is also an outcome of snoring. In severe cases, the patient wakes up frequently during the night which causes sleep disturbance. This sign is also associated with obstructive sleep apnea. Due to disturbed night sleep, the patient feels asleep during the daytime. In any case, the sleep disturbance may be considered as dangerous.

4.               Strain on the heart

As you have read above that sleep apnea causes high blood pressure and arrhythmias. The high blood pressure and arrhythmias result of high level strain on the heart. The continuous strain increases the chances of heart attack and stroke.

So, sleep apnea followed by high blood pressure and arrhythmias is always a life risk sign. If you are suffering from snoring, it is better to investigate the case through pathological and radiological methods to roll out obstructive sleep apnea and heart related issues.

Do you have issues with snoring? Do you think this snoring bad for your health? What did you do to treat and manage your snoring? Leave a comment below!

Significance of Meditation for Sleep and Mental Health Disorders


The scientist has also brought the meditation in practice for the restoration of sleep which proved very supportive. How can you practice the meditation for sleep and mental health is what you will read in this article.

The mental health and sleep disorder issues are increasing in the world. Both the issues are interlinked with each other. People take different types of tranquilizers and sedative drugs to restore sleep. Similarly, the medication for the mental health problems also includes such drugs. The medical experts agree that medication is not the permanent solution of sleep disorders.

Even, the medicines leave different types of adverse effects on human body. So, the people need something else which is safe and efficient to get control over sleep disorders and mental health issues.
Usually, the sleep disorders start when you lose yourself in the dark thoughts, worries and even workload. The loss of sleep leads to different types of mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and stress. The chronic fatigue is also a major outcome of sleep problems. The meditation can bring you out of these complex situations when you lose hopes and forget happiness. 

With mindfulness meditation, you can get relief from stress, anxiety and every problem that rob your night sleep. The research has proved that the people who decide on meditation for sleep can get rid of insomnia more quickly.

The benefits of meditation for sleep disorders management:

The meditation plays the very supportive role to cure sleep disorders. You need a fresh and stress-free mind to regulate your sleep. The meditation brings you out of the state which causes sleep disorders.

In the following bullet points, I have highlighted significant benefits of meditation for sleep problems. These points will help you to know that how you can improve your sleep through meditation therapies.

·         Meditation improves happiness and spiritual satisfaction:

The mental and spiritual satisfaction allows you to sleep comfortably at night. The main reason for disturbed sleep is an agitated brain. The meditation makes your mind agitation free by removing the anxiety and depression factors. The meditation is helpful to eliminate the bad feelings from your mind. The meditation revives your positive feeling by removing the negative thinking.

·         Meditation improves concentration

The sleep disorders also reduce your concentration and short term memory. The people who choose meditation for sleep their concentration on the daily routine task also improves. The fresh and agitation free mind helps your focus on the assigned tasks. The timely completion of tasks makes you satisfied. If you are mentally happy, you also feel the improvement in your sleep.

·         Meditation improves self-confidence and self-awareness

The different methods of meditation develop confidence and self-awareness in your mind. As you know, the sleep disorders cause mental health issues. The reduction in self-confidence and self-awareness is also a symptom of mental illness. The people who implement different ways of meditation for sleep problems also improve self-esteem and self-awareness.

Actually, chronic sleep disorders cause disappointment which further leads to loss of self-awareness. You feel insecure when you think about threatening and critical issues. Feeling insecure also affects your personality and causes loss of self-confidence.

·         Meditation improves acceptance

The people suffering from insomnia and mental health issues look confused. Usually, they are unable to accept the situation. The meditation helps you to explore your hidden capabilities and builds confidence to accept the realities and to defeat the challenges.

The people who use meditation for sleep and mental health issues look committed. The acceptance of the realities and responsibilities keep your brain clam. So, you go to asleep just after hitting the bed.

·         Meditation revitalizes healthy lifestyle

The healthy lifestyle promotes good sleep and mental health. The meditation helps you to rely on healthy foods and drinks. It helps you to avoid drugs and pills which many people use to enforce sleep. So, along with being beneficial for sleep, the meditation also help you live a healthy natural life.

The four best meditation styles and techniques for sleep problems:

The different styles and techniques of meditation have been introduced by meditates. The history of meditation reveals that the Buddhists are the founder of meditation in the world. That is why; we find the best techniques from Buddhists.

However, with the passage of time, the people discovered many other technologies. Currently, latest technology devices have been invented to promote sleep and mental health. These machines work on the meditation phenomenon. Although, you can find many useful ideas of meditation for sleep and mental health problems; however, I have added few tested styles and techniques that work.

1.   Mindfulness meditation:

One of the earliest techniques of meditation is mindfulness method which was introduced by Buddhists. The people, who are searching the methods of meditation for sleep issues, find the mindfulness very useful.

The steps are so simple that you do not need any teacher to learn mindfulness meditation techniques. You sit in a calm and silent place to focus on an object. The object may be a candle, a spot on the wall or anything else you think better. Even you can concentrate on your own breathing in and breathing out cycles. While focusing on the object, you are not supposed to think about any other issue of your daily life. Just concentrate on the subject matter and let the thought pass through your mind.

2.               Music

Music is known as the best food for the brain and mental health. Even, the psychiatrists and psychologists use this tool cure sleep disorders. The music you like the most is your meditation for sleep issues because it helps you to come out from the state of mind causing sleep disturbance.

3.               Spiritual contemplation

Due to globalization, the people have deviated from their faith and religion. People focus more on their business to become rich. The race of becoming rich makes you work beyond the capacity.

Moreover, the consciousness about career also creates sleep problems. If you analyze different religion in the world, we see that every religion teach some methods of meditation for peace of mind and mental satisfaction. Every believer feels gratification when he/she assumes his/her religious contemplation. All the prayers and worships are the best way of meditation for the believers.

4.               Exercises or movement meditation

Some activities like yoga also work as meditation for the sleep deficit. Even the morning walk in a peaceful and calm place help you to improve your sleep and mood. Many mediation consultants recommend yoga exercise to the people who complain about sleep disorders. Walking through woods, unpopulated valleys and allows gives you a pause from the worries and issues causing sleep disturbance.

Have you ever tried meditation for sleep? How did that work for your sleep?  What did you do to help your meditation?

Tips to manage Sleep and mental health problems


Sleep is a blessing for us because it refreshes the vital systems and parts of our body. After every deep sleep, you find every system fresh and ready for routine activities. Like other body functions, the sleep is also important for the mental health. The brain is the very first part of the body affects by sleeplessness. Basically, sleep and mental health are associated with each other. The deprivation of sleep leads to mental health problems, and mental disorders cause sleeplessness.
Along with mental health problems, sleep deficit also leads to many other health issues like loss of appetite, high/low blood pressure, headache, dizziness, doziness and body aches. You can get temporary relief from these problems with symptomatic treatment, but the permanent solution is the restoration of sleep. Therefore, a deep good sleep is necessary for your physical and mental health. In this article, you will read about the sleep and mental health problems.

Sleep and mental health - general causes of sleep deficit 

In certain conditions you know the importance of sleep for your health, but you either ignore or compromise this factor.  The sleep and mental health problems are usually associated with social, economic or relationship issues. You can control the sleep deficit by eliminating these factors because most of these are self-imposed.

Consciousness about career

The consciousness about the career urges you to work hard beyond your capabilities. For example, if you are assigned with a task which is directly associated with your career, you try to complete the task well in time. The stress of the mission and overwork leads to deprivation of sleep.

Over excitement

Over excitement and happiness also cause the deprivation of sleep. There are many events in our life which make us overexcited. Wait for the results after exams make you anxious and excited. Similarly, while celebrating the festive season, we forget to spare some time for the sleep. Such conditions lead to the lack of sleep which further leads to impairment of our mental health.

Inadequate environment

You need to have a deep sleep of 6-8 hours in a calm and dark environment. For infants and children, the sleeping hours are more than the adults. The unsuitable environment like noise and light can badly impair your sleep. If you are continuously exposed to such environment, you may suffer from sleep and mental health disorders.


Fear is the enemy of sleep which rapidly develops the symptoms of mental health disorders. Although the fear is itself a mental health issue, in many cases, you can avoid this factor. You may be the victim of fear/ apprehension due to different reasons which can be prevented.

How does sleep affect the mental health?

The sleep and mental health issues are associated with each other. If you are facing sleep deficit problem for the prolonged time, it may cause psychiatric problems. Similarly, all the mental diseases develop sleep disorders in the patients. The loss of sleep aggravates the condition of mental illness. Apart from psychiatric illness, the temporary mental health issues also exist which can be cured by restoration of sleep.
·         The sleep is essential to regulate mood and emotional health. The first symptom of sleep deprivation on the brain is the emotional disturbance. After a deep and long sleep, the brain relaxes and restores your emotions. In deep sleep, the metabolic process slowdowns because of reduced body activities. The body temperature and blood circulation also decrease which reduces the pressure on brain cells.
·         During the rapid eye movement (REM) stage which is also known as the dream stage, the body temperature automatically increases. In this stage, the brain cells associated with the memory are activated which enhance your learning capabilities. So, the mental health issues related to REM stage are developed and aggravated when you do not achieve the optimal level of sleep.
·         Sleep and mental health disorders also impair your natural abilities like thinking, learning, reading, and writing. The impairment of fine movements of the body is occurred due to overstressed brain cells. Your concentration on the routine and novel tasks is impaired.
·         The prolonged sleep deficit reduces the blood supply to the tissues of the brain. The deficiency of blood supply leaves the hypoxic effects on the brain cells which increases your reaction time.

Sleep and mental health disorders relationship:

The sleep and mental health disorders have the close relationship with each other. Although, the causes may be different; however, the psychiatric problems lead to sleep disorders. The sleeplessness also aggravates the psychiatric issues. The following are the common psychiatric diseases directly associated with sleep.

ADHD insomnia (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders):

ADHD is the combination of multiple symptoms of sleep and mental health problems. Mostly, the children having sleep disorders are diagnosed as the cases of ADHD. The shortening of sleep hours, restless slumbers, and difficulty in falling asleep are included in ADHD. You may also note restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorders in the patients who have ADHD. Usually, these symptoms of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders cause the disturbance in the normal sleeping duration.


The depression is the most common psychiatric illness which severely affects the sleep pattern and duration. Depression reflects the strong relationship between sleep and mental health. The people with the prolonged sleep deficit are more prone to develop depression. Similarly, the sleeplessness is the very first symptom noticed in the patients with depression. Almost 70-80% patients suffering from depression have been found with the symptom of insomnia.

Bipolar disorders:

The patients with bipolar disorders have been found with insomnia in both the phases of this illness. In manic stage, the patient looks apprehensive with reduced sleep. The depressive episodes in bipolar disorders cause insomnia. Although the patients have been found with prolonged sleep in different stages of illness, the average sleep duration is reduced. You may notice the bipolar disorders patients with increased sleep, but there may be the irregularity in the timing.

Anxiety disorders:

Sleeplessness is the very first symptom of anxiety disorders. The anxiety disorders are followed by insomnia, nightmares and many other symptoms which impair the usual sleeping hours. The sleeping anxiety symptoms are correlated with each other. The diagnosis process becomes complicated because you cannot determine that whether the patient is suffering from insomnia or anxiety problem.


The above discussion shows that the sleep and mental health have the great relationship. The regularity in work, rest and sleep hours is helpful to minimize many of the mental health issues including psychiatric disorders. Moreover, the restoration of sleep is the best tool for the management of psychiatric patients.

Periodic limb movement disorder- causes | Sign & symptom | management


The periodic limb movement disorder is a condition in which the jerking of limbs occurs during sleep. The repeated movement with specific intervals of time has been noticed in the patients. Usually, the episode of the movement is repeated after every 20-45 seconds. The repeated movements cause the disturbance in the sleep and make the patient awake during the night. That is why the people suffering from PLMD have been found sleeping during daytime.
Usually, the term periodic limb movement disorder is mixed with restless leg syndrome because the leg movement is involved in both the cases. However, you must understand that the episodes of PLMD go on during sleep whereas restless leg syndrome is a sensory disorder which occurs during awakens.

Who is susceptible to developing PLMD?

Certainly, it is complicated to conclude that which age group is likely to develop PLMD because the cases have been found in every age group. However, the research showed that people of middle and old age group are more susceptible to developing periodic limb movement disorders.

The probable causes of periodic limb movement disorder:

The PLMD has been classified as primary and secondary according to the causative factors. In both types, the patient shows the same reaction, and the signs and symptoms are almost same.

Causes of Primary PLMD:

The actual reason for developing primary PLMD is still unknown. The concept of stimulation of nerves is closer logical. Due to different reasons, the nerves pass false signals which cause movement of the limb. It might be due to any abnormality in the nerves traveling from the brain to the extremities.

Causes of Secondary PLMD

The secondary periodic limb movement disorder has been found for different reasons. Most of the causes of secondary PLMD are associated with pathological and degenerative changes. There are also some neurological and psychiatric problems which cause periodic limb movement disorder. In the following bullet points, you can read some common health issues in which you may notice limb movement disorder along with other symptoms.
·         The Diabetes Mellitus is a well-known health problem in the world which is caused due to different reasons. In most of the diabetic patients, periodic limb movement disorder has been reported along with other symptoms. However, how diabetes cause PLMD is still unknown.
·         As you know, the limb movements are associated with brain and nervous system. The nervous system is linked to spinal cord. Different types of spinal problems cause PLMD. The underlying reason is the impaired nerves due to compression or injury. So, you may note the limb movement issues in the patients have disc degeneration/herniation, spinal tumors, and spinal injuries.
·         Sleep apnea and anemia are the two reasons which cause periodic limb movement disorder with the same phenomenon. Basically, in both the cases, the supply of oxygen to the tissues is reduced which causes limbs movement during sleep. Sleep apnea syndrome causes difficulty in breathing which causes the reduction in the supply of oxygen. Similarly, in anemic cases, the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is reduced. The low hemoglobin level in the blood indicates the anemia in hematology test. The deficiency of oxygen directly affects the brain, and you see the periodic limb movement disorder in such cases.
·         Adverse effects of the medication may also cause secondary PLMD. The patients using the narcoleptic, antidopaminergic and antidepressant medicines have been reported with limb movement disorders during sleep.
·         The withdrawal effects of sedative drugs like benzodiazepine and barbiturates may also cause PLPMD. Usually, the drugs dependents, using any of these drugs are more susceptible to developing periodic limb movement disorder. However, the episodes are short because the patient revives when the withdrawal effects subside.

Signs and symptoms of PLMD

Hence there are no certain signs and symptoms of periodic limb movement disorder other than strange movements. Usually, the patient is unaware of the situation and completely asymptomatic because it happens during deep sleep. Being a roommate or life partner, you may note the unusual periodic movements. However, you may note some behavioral changes in the patients.
·         The consistent increase in the sleep hours can be observed in the patients of PLMD. Usually, the complaints of daytime sleep may be increased.
·         Due to lack of sleep, the patient cannot maintain the usual behavior. Patient shows lack of interest in routine activities. There may be the lack of interest in games and parties.
·         The onset of periodic limb movement occurs only during sleep. The unusual changes which you can note in the people of PLMD are ankle joint and toe movement.
·         In severe cases, the strenuous movements of arms and legs have been noticed. Moreover, you may also note the jaw and nasal movements in the patients. Even, a group of various movements can be observed in PLMD. However, it is very astonishing that the patient does not know about these movements at all.

Effects of periodic limb movement disorder on your health:

The periodic limb movement disorder affects the general health because of poor sleep which further causes insomnia. Usually, the patient does not know about the occurrence, but he/she wakes many times after the episodes. The patient looks tired/confused and prefers to sleep during daytime. This irregularity in rest and work hours affects his/her health and behavior.
Although the periodic limb movement does not cause any further disease, it can aggravate the preexisting conditions. Lack of sleep and exertion may cause weakening of the body systems including digestive and nervous systems. Moreover, the immune system of your body is also affected by PLMD.
Usually, the patient tries to complete the required sleep during daytime. However, if he/she is unable to take adequate his/her rest, the symptoms of other sleep disorders may also appear. Even, the patient may develop mental health problems associated with the sleep deficit.


As you have read above, the patients do not know the onset of the illness. His/her life partner or roommate can note his/her unusual movements. He/she can provide useful information regarding the episodes and nature of movements. The polysomnogram and bioelectrical process to record the sleep are helpful to diagnose the case. In this connection, you may consult the sleep technicians.

Management of periodic limb movement disorder cases:

As you have read above, there are two classifications of periodic limb movement disorder; the primary and the secondary. You can manage both the disorders by treating the causative elements. Although, the concerned specialist (psychologist, psychiatrist, etc.) can give you better advice; however, here are some important points that may help you manage the PLMD cases more efficiently.

Management of Primary PLMD

The cause of primary PLMD is still unknown, but some research shows that there may be neurological or psychological issues that cause generation of false singles to the nerves. Moreover, sleeping with wrong body position may also stimulate the nerves to move the limbs. So, the movements may be minimized by training the patient to adopt correct body position while sleeping. You can add some special pillows and pads in the bedding. As far as the psychological issues are concerned, you may consult the psychologist for expert advice.

Management of Secondary PLMD:

The secondary periodic limb movement is caused due to certain diseases. You have already read about some of the diseases. Here are some important points that you need to consider.
·         In diabetic patients, the onset of the disease starts due to negligence because the sugar level in the body is disturbed. If the patient is taking regular medication, the chances of onset are rare. So, if you are the known case of diabetes mellitus, get your medicines regularly as per your physician’s advice.
·         You have also read that the adverse effects of medication like narcoleptic, antidopaminergic and antidepressant may cause PLMD. If you think, the issue started after taking a particular medicine, consult your physician immediately. He may recommend any alternative drug for you.
·         The periodic limb movement disorder caused due to the withdrawal of sedative drugs is a temporary issue. It happened with every drug dependent during cessation program. So, don’t worry. It will be normalized when the urge of the drug is treated.
Do you think you are showing symptoms of periodic limb movement disorder?  What have you done to treat your symptoms?  

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