Showing posts with label snoring while asleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snoring while asleep. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Is Sleep Apnea Treatable?

Apnea is referred to as a pause in the normal breathing cycle. The pause in the breathing cycle during sleep is called sleep apnea. The gap between the breathing cycles for ten or more seconds is included in sleep apnea. There are two main types of sleep apneas. The pause caused due to the failure of the breath control system in the brain is known as central sleep apnea. The second type is obstructive sleep apnea caused due to failure of the throat muscle keeping the airway open. The supply of oxygen to the body is interrupted in both types. Resultantly, the supply of oxygen to the tissues of the body is reduced.

What does happen in Obstructive sleep apnea?

The pause in the breathing cycle leads to a deficiency of oxygen to the body tissues. Less energy is required for the smooth functioning of body systems during sleep. However, with the breathing pause, the oxygen level further decreases. The decrease in oxygen to the body tissues necessitates an increase in the heart rate which causes awakening the sufferer. Sometimes, the patients awake with a jerk. It happens in the deep phase of sleep. The repeated pause in the breathe causes disturbance in sleep. This disturbance generates different types of sleep disorders. The people suffering from OSA are more prone to develop snoring while asleep. Snoring results from the obstruction in the airway.

What does cause obstructive sleep apnea?

The obstructive sleep apnea occurs either through narrowing the airway or completely closing the airway. The pattern of disturbance varies in both cases. The main causes of OSA may be tonsil problems and overweight. Some of the individuals with a large neck, small chin, small jaws, and large bite have also been found with such problems. The habits like smoking and drinking alcohol are also the known causes of OSA. Old age, especially above 40 can also be a reason for developing OSA. Along with age factor, ethnicity is also a factor for developing such sleep disorders. The people of Africa, America, Pacific Island, and Hispania have been found with OSA. According to a study, more than 18 million adults in America are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea.

Complications caused by obstructive sleep apnea

Many sleep disorders are associated with OSA. Repeated episodes of OSA lead to sleep deprivation. Feeling sleepy and lack of interest in daily activities are the major drawbacks of sleep apnea. Lethargy, apathy, and dizziness have been noticed in the patients during the daytime. Other complications associated with sleep deprivation like depression, hypertension, loss of appetite and heart problems may also develop.

Management of obstructive sleep apnea

Management of OSA depends on the causative factors. In some cases, the treatment is short whereas in other cases it takes long term procedures and surveillance. Reliance on alcohol and tobacco is the known reason for developing obstructive sleep apnea. Discontinuation of alcohol and tobacco can b helpful to minimize the occurrences. Most of the obese and overweight people develop with symptoms of OSA. Reduction in weight through regular exercise and a balanced diet are recommended for overweight people. Remember! Here weight reduction doesn’t mean dieting. The congenital abnormalities of upper and lower jaws can be treated through surgery depending upon the condition. The concerned surgeon can decide the suitable procedure in this regard. Infected and enlarged tonsils are also treated through surgical procedures. In some cases, the continuous positiveairway pressure device has been proved helpful to reduce OSA. With CPAP the air passage remains open and allow the required amount of air to the lungs. The consultant can recommend the CPAP device for a patient of obstructive sleep apnea.

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