Sleep deprivation is
known as a condition in which a person does not get normal sleep. As you know
that a normal adult needs 6-8 hours of calm and quiet sleep every 24 hours. The
sleeplessness of one day is almost negligible but frequent episodes can make
the condition verse. Irregularity in sleep hours and uncomfortable environment
also aggravate the condition. Most of the people are unaware of the sleep
deprivation symptoms and their adverse effects on the human body. In this post,
we have tried to highlight the probable effects of lack of sleep on different
body systems. Here we have highlighted the 17 effects of sleep deprivation on
the human body. Awareness and timely remedial actions can help you to overcome
these health issues.
of sleep deprivation on the brain
The first body part
that faces a lack of sleep affects is the brain. The seven dangerous effects
appear in the form of following health issues on the brain and Nervous system.
1. Memory disturbance
As you know that brain
processes and save the information as memories while you sleep. However, lack
of sleep does not allow the brain to complete this process which results in
loss of short and long term memory. Prolonged disturbance and irregularity in
sleeping hours can make the condition verse. Even the individual may face the
loss of vocabulary. The forgetfulness while talking can also be noticed in
severe cases.
2. Lack of concentration
Deprivation of sleep
also leads to a lack of concentration on assigned work. Lack of interest in the
assigned task is also a common sign of disturbed sleep. The impairment of
attention, alertness and solving simple problems also occur. The daily work
output is also impaired which further leads to adjustment disorders. The
patient does not take interest in outdoor games and social activities.
3. Slow response and reactions
Slow response to the
environmental condition is one of the most dangerous effects of sleep
deprivation on the human brain. Reduced reaction time increases the risk of
accidents while driving and working on machines. Basically, the individual does
not judge the movements of the objects around him/her and takes more than the
normal time to act.
4. Vestibular system
The effects of sleep
deprivation on the vestibular system are rarely known by the people. The
vestibular system is responsible for maintaining body balance while walking,
running and performing different maneuvers. In severe cases, the individual
cannot stabilize him/her self while standing. Disorientation is one of the
common symptoms of the affected vestibular system. The persons associated with
the aviation industry are more susceptible to developing disorientation due to
sleep deprivation. That is why; it is strongly recommended that the aviators do
never compromise on sleep.
5. Vision
As you know, the brain
is the very first important body part affected by sleep deprivation. Dimness of
vision is also associated with sleep on the same mechanism. Disturbance of the
center of focus may also be present in sleep-deprived individuals. Focusing on
the target becomes difficult. If you are a hunter or shooter, you will not be
able to aim your target correctly.
6. Mood changes
Mood changes are a
common symptom of sleep deprivation. Lethargy and apathy can be noted when a
person is deprived of normal sleep. Abnormal behavior and lack of interest in
social gatherings can also be noted in such cases.
7. Anxiety depression
Prolonged deprivation
of sleep leaves adverse effects on the human body in the form of anxiety and
depression. These psychiatric problems are associated with the above-mentioned
disorders. Actually, the failure in the achievement of desired goals and tasks
generates hopelessness which further causes depression. Timely rectification of
the above-mentioned symptoms can help in preventing psychiatric problems.
of sleep deprivation on the cardiovascular system
Sleep deprivation
leaves life-threatening effects on the cardiovascular system of the human body.
The following effects on the cardiovascular system will help you know the
importance of sleep in our life.
The blood pressure and
pulse rate slightly decrease during sleep. The decrease in blood pressure
allows the heart muscles to refresh. Continuous wakefulness disturbs blood
pressure. Prolonged exposure to sleep disorders causes high blood pressure.
9. Arrhythmias
Arrhythmia or irregular
pulse rate has also been noted in sleep-deprived individuals. There are many
other reasons for developing arrhythmias; however, if a person is
sleep-deprived, the cause may be correlated.
10. Heart failure
There are many other
reasons for heart failure but sleep deprivation is one of the reasons. As you
have read above that continuous wakefulness does not allow the heart to
refresh. High blood pressure is one of the major causes of heart failure and
lack of sleep is one of the reasons HBP. So, deprivation of sleep may also be
the factor of heart failure until it is rolled out.
11. Heart attack
Although there is no
authentic cause of heart attack related to lack of sleep; however, some causes
of heart attack and heart failure are common. The formation of extra fats in
the body is associated with sleep disorders because it disturbs the metabolic
process. Fats are the major cause of heart attack.
12. Strokes
The blockage of blood
vessels of the brain due to different reasons leads to stroke. High blood
pressure is the major cause of strokes. Therefore, high blood pressure caused
by sleep deprivation may further lead to strokes.
Effects on the
digestive system
The digestive system
is more prone to be affected by the deprivation of sleep. The gastric juices
work more effectively during sleep. Similarly, the metabolic process
accelerates at the same time. The following problems may develop when a person
is deprived of sleep.
13. Dyspepsia/ indigestion
Dyspepsia or
indigestion is a common symptom resulting from a slow metabolic process. A
feeling of nausea, vomiting, the fullness of stomach, heartburn, and belching
are the signs and symptoms of dyspepsia. The effect on the digestive system is
quick because only one-night sleep disturbance may develop the symptoms.
14. Weight gain
Usually, overweight is
associated with oversleeping; however, sleep deprivation also leads to weight
gain. The slow metabolic process allows extra fats to store in the body which
results in overweight or obesity. Moreover, the chemicals signaling from the
brain about the fullness of stomach slowdown. Resultantly, the individual eats
more than the required food causing obesity.
15. Risk of diabetes
A sleep-deprived person is more susceptible to suffer from type-2 diabetes. Sleeplessness disturbs the release of insulin from the pancreas which results in a high sugar level in the blood. Prolonged exposure to sleeplessness causes type-2 diabetes.
Miscellaneous effects
of sleep deprivation on the human body
16. Lowered sex drive
Sleep deprivation is a
known factor in lowered sex drive both in men and women. Increased stress and
tension due to sleeplessness decreases libidos and interest in having sex. The
production and release of sex hormone testosterone badly decrease in men who
are sleep deprived.
17. Fast aging process
Prolonged sleep
deprivation accelerates the aging factor. You look older than your actual age
when you do not observe proper sleeping hours. Prolonged wakefulness increases
cortisol (stress hormone) level in the blood which breaks skin protein
(collagen). This process abruptly damages the skin smoothness and elasticity
and you look older than your actual age. The production of growth hormone is
also affected by sleep loss and tissue repair process slows down. The signs of
slow tissue repair process appear on the skin and eyes in all sleep deprivation
The above mentioned
discussion proves that deprivation of sleep affects all the body systems and
functions. Specifically, there is no sleep deprivation treatment except
restoration. Restoration of normal sleep can help prevent these
life-threatening effects. So, properly observe your sleeping hours and live a
healthy and active life. Thanks