Friday, December 13, 2019

Nocturia | Excessive Urination at Night

Nocturia or frequent urination at night is a condition in which a person needs to urinate frequently during the night. The patient feels the fullness of the urinary bladder and wakes up for going to the washroom. It may happen due to different medical or psychological reasons. The frequent changes in between the duration of urination gaps with the weather change cannot be labeled as Nocturia. Usually, the urine output increases during the winter season because of less sweating. Excessive urination due to decreased sweating is not a sign of Nocturia.

Causes of Nocturia or Excessive urination at night

There may be different causes of excessive urination at night. Some of the known causes are given in the subsequent bullet points; however, the right reason can be sought out with proper evaluation and laboratory investigation. A scan of the urinary and genital system can also be advised by the physician. A physician is a person who can give a better opinion about Nocturia.
·                     The enlargement of prostate glands is one of the common causes of excessive urination during the night.   
·                     Excessive caffeine intake also increases the urine output and causes frequent urination at night.
·                     Diabetic patients also feel the fullness of the bladder while asleep.
·                     Drinking plenty of fluids before sleeping also increases urine output but this condition is not included in Nocturia.

Complications caused by Nocturia

Nocturia is also a cause of sleep apnea. The numbers of cases with frequent urination at night have been reported between the ages of 55 to 84 years. In this age group, enlargement of prostate glands and diabetes suffer Nocturia. The symptoms also exist during the daytime but the sufferer may no notice. However, frequent awakening during the night makes the individual realize about abnormal urge to urinate. The major complication of Nocturia is sleep deprivation followed by other symptoms of sleep disorders. Disturbance in the sleep pattern affects different body systems causing sleep disorders related systems like anxiety and hypertension etc.

Treatment of Nocturia

The treatment is based on the cause of frequent urination at night. The concerned doctor must be consulted on immediate after developing the symptoms. In some cases, surgical intervention may be recommended for the diagnosed cases of enlarged prostate glands. Diabetic patients are treated with medications to control blood sugar levels. The controlled sugar level is helpful to minimize the effects of Nocturia. The treatment of other causes of Nocturia is symptomatic. Changing habits is helpful to overcome this problem.

Remedial measures to accommodate and live with Nocturia

Sleep deprivation is a very serious drawback of excessive urination at night. Some measures can reduce the effects of this health issue until proper diagnosis and treatment. The following remedial measures can be helpful to decrease the excessive urination at night.

·                     Avoid taking too much coffee or tea in the evening and night.
·                     Water is very important for good health and the basic need of life. The patients with frequent nocturnal urination should take more fluids in the early hours. Possibly stop drinking fluids two hours before going to bed.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Is Sleep Apnea Treatable?

Apnea is referred to as a pause in the normal breathing cycle. The pause in the breathing cycle during sleep is called sleep apnea. The gap between the breathing cycles for ten or more seconds is included in sleep apnea. There are two main types of sleep apneas. The pause caused due to the failure of the breath control system in the brain is known as central sleep apnea. The second type is obstructive sleep apnea caused due to failure of the throat muscle keeping the airway open. The supply of oxygen to the body is interrupted in both types. Resultantly, the supply of oxygen to the tissues of the body is reduced.

What does happen in Obstructive sleep apnea?

The pause in the breathing cycle leads to a deficiency of oxygen to the body tissues. Less energy is required for the smooth functioning of body systems during sleep. However, with the breathing pause, the oxygen level further decreases. The decrease in oxygen to the body tissues necessitates an increase in the heart rate which causes awakening the sufferer. Sometimes, the patients awake with a jerk. It happens in the deep phase of sleep. The repeated pause in the breathe causes disturbance in sleep. This disturbance generates different types of sleep disorders. The people suffering from OSA are more prone to develop snoring while asleep. Snoring results from the obstruction in the airway.

What does cause obstructive sleep apnea?

The obstructive sleep apnea occurs either through narrowing the airway or completely closing the airway. The pattern of disturbance varies in both cases. The main causes of OSA may be tonsil problems and overweight. Some of the individuals with a large neck, small chin, small jaws, and large bite have also been found with such problems. The habits like smoking and drinking alcohol are also the known causes of OSA. Old age, especially above 40 can also be a reason for developing OSA. Along with age factor, ethnicity is also a factor for developing such sleep disorders. The people of Africa, America, Pacific Island, and Hispania have been found with OSA. According to a study, more than 18 million adults in America are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea.

Complications caused by obstructive sleep apnea

Many sleep disorders are associated with OSA. Repeated episodes of OSA lead to sleep deprivation. Feeling sleepy and lack of interest in daily activities are the major drawbacks of sleep apnea. Lethargy, apathy, and dizziness have been noticed in the patients during the daytime. Other complications associated with sleep deprivation like depression, hypertension, loss of appetite and heart problems may also develop.

Management of obstructive sleep apnea

Management of OSA depends on the causative factors. In some cases, the treatment is short whereas in other cases it takes long term procedures and surveillance. Reliance on alcohol and tobacco is the known reason for developing obstructive sleep apnea. Discontinuation of alcohol and tobacco can b helpful to minimize the occurrences. Most of the obese and overweight people develop with symptoms of OSA. Reduction in weight through regular exercise and a balanced diet are recommended for overweight people. Remember! Here weight reduction doesn’t mean dieting. The congenital abnormalities of upper and lower jaws can be treated through surgery depending upon the condition. The concerned surgeon can decide the suitable procedure in this regard. Infected and enlarged tonsils are also treated through surgical procedures. In some cases, the continuous positiveairway pressure device has been proved helpful to reduce OSA. With CPAP the air passage remains open and allow the required amount of air to the lungs. The consultant can recommend the CPAP device for a patient of obstructive sleep apnea.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sleep Disturbance and Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a common issue for most of the international population. However, the specific finding directly related to sleep disorders is still unknown. But it is also a fact that noise pollution causes a grave disturbance in sleep. Noise whether it is due to road traffic, air traffic or even public place, it causes a disturbance in sleep. A dark and quiet place is ideal for sleep which refreshes your body organs and systems. Noise disturbs your sleep and impairs the functions of body systems that are associated with different stages of sleep.

Sources of noise pollution causing sleep disturbance

Noise can disturb your sleep at any stage. The severity of disturbance depends on the nature and period of exposure. In daily life, we face different types of noise pollution. However, the nocturnal noise is the most dangerous because it affects our routine sleep which is necessary to refresh body systems and to process the memory. Usually, we are exposed to three types of noise. An intermittent noise caused by road traffic. Every passing by vehicle leaves noise along with other environmental pollution. More traffic produces more severe noise. A sleeping place near to the public gatherings like amusement parks, concert halls also impairs sleep.

Air traffic is also a cause of sleep disturbance for the people who live in the aircraft conduit areas. The noise during landing and takeoff creates disturbance in sleep. The noise produced by industrial machinery is one of the major noise pollution of the current era. The industrial noise pollution also affects the sleep of the resident population of those particular areas. Although, the people get used to with the routine noise; however, it leaves long turn sleep disorders to the people who are continuously exposed to the noise. Open railway traffic also a major source of noise pollution for the general public residing close to the railway track.

How does noise ruin your sleep?

Noise impairs sleep in different ways. The continuous noise irritates the sensory systems which usually go on rest during sleep. The disturbance of sensory systems leaves bad effects on sleep in different ways. For example, the brain registers and processes the memory during sleep. Due to noise, the brain cannot perform this action which is directly associated with different stages of sleep. So, the continuous noise is also a factor of sleep deprivation because you cannot go in a deep sleep. The intermittent noise causes sudden awaking from any stage of sleep. Along with awakening, the air traffic sound also impairs the hearing sense. The effect of high pitch sound is more harmful during sleep than awake.

Effect of sleep disturbance on body systems

The above-mentioned sources of noise are unavoidable for every person in society. The noise leaves short term or long term effects on our different body systems. The sleep is helpful for the proper functioning of endocrine and metabolic processes in the body. The perturbation of these functions further causes impairment of cardio-metabolic and psychiatric disorders. The impairment of cardio-metabolic function leads to different types of mood disorders. Stress and different types of biological changes are the outcomes of nocturnal sleep disturbance.

As per research, the heart rate slowdowns during sleep. The sudden awakening with noise necessitates the sudden increase in the heart rate. This effect on noise on the heart generates different types of cardiovascular problems.

The effects of noise pollution on the sensory systems also leave different types of psychiatric problems on sufferers. Prolonged stress, fatigue, anxiety, and depression are also the known outcomes of deprivation of sleep.

The disturbance in the digestive system is associated with sleep. The quiet deep sleep allows the digestive system to work properly.


The above discussion proves that noise pollution is a solid cause of sleep disturbance. Especially, the disturbance of nocturnal sleep leaves more adverse effects on human health. Therefore, exposure to noise during sleep should be minimized or avoided.

Sleeping in the dark and soundless room is preferably recommended. However, if a suitable environment is not accessible, the earmuffs can reduce the effects of noise. The other measures to reduce the intensity of noise can be practiced as per the availability. The basic aim of taking measures is to avoid or minimize the effects of noise pollution.

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